Truman Partnered with Fascination Lab to create a 2020 election security toolkit for local and national media, private companies and nonprofits, state and local Government, and private citizens.
On October 3-4, 2020, 50 members of the Truman National Security Project participated in an election scenario simulation hosted with LA-based Fascination Lab. This simulation explored potential scenarios in the lead-up to and in the days following the November 3 election, and asked participants (in their personal expert capacity) to explore potential paths that the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee might take in the absence of a clear winner on election night. Participants were divided into policy, legal, and communications experts and drafted recommendations based on lessons learned from the election security simulation. The toolkit includes strategies for thought leaders, members of local and national media, policy experts, private companies and nonprofits, state and local government officials, and public citizens to deploy prior to and following Election Day on November 3rd.